
As Chair of the Senate Military and Veterans Affairs, Space and Domestic Security Committee, I was honored to work closely with our military community and legislators to make Florida the most military friendly State in the nation. As a member of the House, I continue to fight up in Tallahassee for our brave service members, families, and veterans.
On July 1, 2020 , I was honored to be appointed by the Speaker of the Florida House to serve as Chairman of the statewide Florida Defense Support Task Force(which I have been a member of since 2018). This is an extremely important institution tasked with working with Florida’s Bases to prevent encroachment maintaining and expanding the missions of Florida’s military installations and strengthening state support for military families and veterans
Additionally, I want to share with you some key initiatives that we have worked on up in Tallahassee:
Senate Bill (SB) 732 establishes the Collegiate Purple Star Campuses Program to support military members, veterans, and their families while they are attending a Florida college or university. This bill requires institutions who wish to be designated a Collegiate Purple Star Campus to:
House Bill (HB) 139 makes it easier for military veterans and their spouses to transition to civilian life in Florida. This bill establishes the Office of Veteran Licensure Services within the Department of Health to provide information and assistance with health care licensure processes for all veterans and their spouses. Additionally, this bill requires Veterans Florida to assist veterans and their spouses with access, training, education, and employment in Florida’s health care professions.
HB 485 creates the Division of Long-term Care within the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs (FDVA) to oversee the operations of veterans’ adult day health care programs. Additionally, the bill expands eligibility requirements for veterans who wish to enter an adult day health care program and names the week of November 11 of each year as “Veterans Week.”
HB 635 supports veterans who need dental care by creating the Veterans Dental Care Grant Program within the FDVA to provide dental care to Florida’s veterans. The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports that only 15% of veterans are eligible to access dental services through the VA. This program will distribute grants to eligible nonprofits that provide dental care to veterans in Florida.
SB 574 supports servicemembers that are living in Florida who receive military orders to live in government quarters and who must terminate an existing lease agreement. This bill defines the term “government quarters” to include privately owned military housing. This will enable servicemembers to early terminate a private rental agreement if they become eligible for privatized military housing.
HB 621 supports military families by establishing a uniform death benefit for active duty servicemembers of $75,000. Currently, servicemembers who are killed while on active duty and while performing their official duties are eligible for a death benefit of $75,000 while servicemembers who are killed while on active duty but not while performing their official duties are only eligible for a death benefit of $25,000.
HB 1285 establishes the Florida State Guard as a permanent component in Florida’s state militia and creates the Division of the State Guard within the Department of Military Affairs. The Florida State Guard has been appropriated $108 million in the General Appropriations Act.
House Bill 339, Education of Dependents of Deceased or Disabled Servicemembers, Prisoners of War, and Persons Missing in Action, was signed into law on June 22. The legislation broadens the eligibility for educational benefits provided to a dependent child or spouse of a disabled or deceased service member through the Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans Scholarship Program.
House Bill (HB) 45 provides educational opportunities for disabled veterans by providing additional assistance to achieve a 100 percent award for tuition and fees.
Senate Bill (SB) 430 reenacts the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children which ensures a smooth transition for children of active-duty military families by enabling seamless school placement, enrollment, records transfers, and verification of graduation requirements.
SB 514 allows state agencies to substitute work experience, including military experience, for postsecondary education to allow veterans to use on the job experience to apply for civilian jobs.
SB 896 will help veterans access jobs in education by allowing their military service to count toward the requirement for a temporary educator certificate under the mentorship of a certified teacher.
SB 562 requires the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to expedite license applications of active-duty military spouses.
SB 438 updates Florida’s definition of Uniformed Service to include the United States Space Force and updates military base names.
The Governor also announced that CareerSource Florida and state workforce agencies will dedicate $20 million in targeted workforce training supports for Florida’s veterans. This funding will focus on high demand industries including aviation, aerospace, and defense.
On April 6, 2022, Governor DeSantis signed into law SB 1712, which provides an appropriation of $500,000 to create a pilot program within the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to provide Veteran Suicide Prevention Training for County Veteran Service Officers and FDVA Veterans’ Claims Examiners.
House Bill 231 – Services for Veterans and Their Families
As part of the state’s focus on mental health care and Veteran suicide prevention with the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay and others, the legislation requires the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to establish the Florida Veterans’ Care Coordination Program to provide and expand behavioral health care referral and care coordination services for Veterans and their families and to partner with Florida 2-1-1 Network participants to provide such services.
House Bill 7023 – Veterans Treatment Courts
The legislation creates uniform standards and procedures for Florida’s current and future Veterans Treatment Courts (VTC). It allows a court with criminal jurisdiction to create and administer a VTC, which may adjudicate felonies and misdemeanors, with the exception of the pretrial intervention of misdemeanor criminal traffic offenses.
Senate Bill 416 – POW-MIA Vietnam Veterans Bracelet Memorial
The bill establishes a POW-MIA Vietnam Veterans Bracelet Memorial across the street from the Old Capitol in Tallahassee, which will be installed next to Florida’s Vietnam War Memorial. The Vietnam Veterans of Big Bend Chapter 96 paid for the seven-foot high bracelet memorial.
Creation of “Purple Star Campus Program”
The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) will establish a “Purple Star Campus Program” to identify schools that support military connected children and demonstrate a commitment to provide critical transition supports to military families by:
Supporting Veterans Through Employment and Training
House Bill 435, Veterans Employment and Training, designates Veterans Florida as the state’s principal DOD SkillBridge assistance organization to educate in-state and out-of-state transitioning servicemembers of available SkillBridge apprenticeships, internships, and fellowships across Florida during their last 180 days in uniform and to assist employers develop and implement new SkillBridge training. Servicemembers in SkillBridge gain valuable civilian work experience while maintaining their DOD salary and benefits.
Enhancing Veterans’ Preference in Employment
Senate Bill 922 authorizes state and political subdivisions to waive certain postsecondary educational requirements for employment for eligible servicemembers and veterans. It also enhances point preferences given to veterans and their family members when a numerically based selection process is used for hiring.
HB 167- Florida Veterans Protection Act
Authorizes a separate first-degree felony charge and increases penalties against someone who commits certain white-collar crimes against veterans
HB 171
Allows college-level training and education performed in the military to be accepted in place of credit or career education clock hours in State Higher Education Institutions
HB 197
Protects military families by prohibiting the Department of Children and Families from considering military service-related absences of a parent or caregiver when determining if a child is abandoned.
HB 205
Expands the definition of stolen valor in State Law to include those who falsely claim to have served in the military for the purpose of seeking public employment or running for office
HB 445
Makes it easier for transferred military families to enroll their child in a district public school or charter school and updates the high school grading system to factor in scores achieved by students on the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Test
HB 687
Would have expanded mental health and substance abuse programs in the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs
HJR 877 and HB 879
Places a measure on the ballot in November 2020 to authorize the surviving spouse of a veteran to continue receiving the discount on ad valorem tax on homestead properties for veterans who were honorably discharged and disabled due to combat.
HB 1085
Would have allowed all judicial circuits in the State to create a Veterans Treatment Court in order to create alternatives to traditional prosecutions for veterans
HB 1249
Gives flexible to veterans seeking certain property tax exemptions on homesteads
HB 217
Similar to HB 171 of 2020
HB 225
Requires public schools to allow students to wear dress uniforms of the Armed Forces or Nation Guard at graduation ceremonies
HB 427
Designates the Honor and Remember Flag as an emblem of the state to honor those service members who gave their lives in the line of duty and requiring the flag to be displayed on certain days and allowing local governments to display the flag
HB 501
Expands alternative treatment options such has hyperbaric oxygen therapy, acupuncture, and others for veterans diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic stress disorder
HB 891
Strengthens policies that prevent encroachment on military installations, creates the Blue Angels license plate, and makes it easier for families to transfer their child to a new school
HM 1281
Urges Congress to support creation of the United States Space Force and to establish Florida as the home of Space Force and US Space Command
HB 7125
This criminal justice reform package includes provisions that authorizes the Department of Corrections to contract with Veteran Advocacy Clinics to help veteran inmates apply for assistance benefits upon release from a penal institution in order to combat reentry
HB 29
Titled the “Don Hahnfeldt Veteran and Military Family Opportunity Act” in honor of Representative Hahnfeldt, a former US Navy Submarine Captain who sadly passed before session. This bill helps make it easier for service members, veterans, and their families to do business in Florida by expanding waivers for licensing Fees and expanding eligibility for receiving training grants and participating in entrepreneurship programs. This bill also gives priority attendance for Florida Virtual School to children of out-of-state service members whose legal residence is Florida and establishes March 25th as “Medal of Honor Day” in the State of Florida.
HB 75
Helps make college more affordable by authorizing Florida College System to waive any portion of specified fees that are not covered by the Department of Defense Military Tuition Assistance Program.
HB 333
Exempts veterans of Special Operation Forces from the basic recruit training in the process to become a law enforcement officer.
SB 100
Creates an exemption from local business taxes for veterans and their spouses, eliminates a fee to display the word “Veteran” on a Driver’s License or I.D. Card, and expands the forms of identity a veteran can present to the DHSMV
HB 7087
The Florida First Tax Package included a provision that removed the requirement that a surviving spouse of a disabled veteran be married for at least 5 years before being entitled to the $5,000 property tax exemption
HB 615
Expanded licensing fee waivers for military members, veterans, and their families and extended the time of good standing from 6 months to 2 years after discharge for boards and programs under the DBPR.
SB 7016
Ensures that all children in Florida have every opportunity to achieve academic success. The Bill extends the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, which was set to expire in 2016.
HB 799
Assists active duty members of the United States Armed Forces who reside or who are stationed outside Florida to receive a postsecondary education.
HB 1157
Expands the mechanism through which eligible members of the U.S. Armed Forces can earn college credit for military experience.
SB 626
Provides greater consumer protections for service members and their dependents in connection with a broad range of consumer credit transactions.
SB 184
Creates the Military and Overseas Voting Assistance Task Force within the Florida Department of State for the purpose of studying the feasibility of an online voting system that would allow members of the uniformed services who are overseas to electronically submit voted ballots.
On July 1, 2020 , I was honored to be appointed by the Speaker of the Florida House to serve as Chairman of the statewide Florida Defense Support Task Force(which I have been a member of since 2018). This is an extremely important institution tasked with working with Florida’s Bases to prevent encroachment maintaining and expanding the missions of Florida’s military installations and strengthening state support for military families and veterans
Additionally, I want to share with you some key initiatives that we have worked on up in Tallahassee:
Senate Bill (SB) 732 establishes the Collegiate Purple Star Campuses Program to support military members, veterans, and their families while they are attending a Florida college or university. This bill requires institutions who wish to be designated a Collegiate Purple Star Campus to:
- Designate a staff member as a military liaison.
- Maintain a webpage on the institution’s website which includes resources for military students and families.
- Maintain a student-led transition program that assists military students in transitioning into the institution.
- Offer staff members professional development training opportunities that will help them better serve military students.
- Provide priority course registration for military students.
- SB 274 creates the “Pathway for Military Combat Medics Act.” The Act will give military combat veterans postsecondary course credit for their military combat medic training to be used toward a nursing education program. This will allow veterans to earn their nursing education degree more quickly and at a lower cost.
House Bill (HB) 139 makes it easier for military veterans and their spouses to transition to civilian life in Florida. This bill establishes the Office of Veteran Licensure Services within the Department of Health to provide information and assistance with health care licensure processes for all veterans and their spouses. Additionally, this bill requires Veterans Florida to assist veterans and their spouses with access, training, education, and employment in Florida’s health care professions.
HB 485 creates the Division of Long-term Care within the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs (FDVA) to oversee the operations of veterans’ adult day health care programs. Additionally, the bill expands eligibility requirements for veterans who wish to enter an adult day health care program and names the week of November 11 of each year as “Veterans Week.”
HB 635 supports veterans who need dental care by creating the Veterans Dental Care Grant Program within the FDVA to provide dental care to Florida’s veterans. The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports that only 15% of veterans are eligible to access dental services through the VA. This program will distribute grants to eligible nonprofits that provide dental care to veterans in Florida.
SB 574 supports servicemembers that are living in Florida who receive military orders to live in government quarters and who must terminate an existing lease agreement. This bill defines the term “government quarters” to include privately owned military housing. This will enable servicemembers to early terminate a private rental agreement if they become eligible for privatized military housing.
HB 621 supports military families by establishing a uniform death benefit for active duty servicemembers of $75,000. Currently, servicemembers who are killed while on active duty and while performing their official duties are eligible for a death benefit of $75,000 while servicemembers who are killed while on active duty but not while performing their official duties are only eligible for a death benefit of $25,000.
HB 1285 establishes the Florida State Guard as a permanent component in Florida’s state militia and creates the Division of the State Guard within the Department of Military Affairs. The Florida State Guard has been appropriated $108 million in the General Appropriations Act.
House Bill 339, Education of Dependents of Deceased or Disabled Servicemembers, Prisoners of War, and Persons Missing in Action, was signed into law on June 22. The legislation broadens the eligibility for educational benefits provided to a dependent child or spouse of a disabled or deceased service member through the Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans Scholarship Program.
House Bill (HB) 45 provides educational opportunities for disabled veterans by providing additional assistance to achieve a 100 percent award for tuition and fees.
Senate Bill (SB) 430 reenacts the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children which ensures a smooth transition for children of active-duty military families by enabling seamless school placement, enrollment, records transfers, and verification of graduation requirements.
SB 514 allows state agencies to substitute work experience, including military experience, for postsecondary education to allow veterans to use on the job experience to apply for civilian jobs.
SB 896 will help veterans access jobs in education by allowing their military service to count toward the requirement for a temporary educator certificate under the mentorship of a certified teacher.
SB 562 requires the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to expedite license applications of active-duty military spouses.
SB 438 updates Florida’s definition of Uniformed Service to include the United States Space Force and updates military base names.
The Governor also announced that CareerSource Florida and state workforce agencies will dedicate $20 million in targeted workforce training supports for Florida’s veterans. This funding will focus on high demand industries including aviation, aerospace, and defense.
On April 6, 2022, Governor DeSantis signed into law SB 1712, which provides an appropriation of $500,000 to create a pilot program within the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to provide Veteran Suicide Prevention Training for County Veteran Service Officers and FDVA Veterans’ Claims Examiners.
House Bill 231 – Services for Veterans and Their Families
As part of the state’s focus on mental health care and Veteran suicide prevention with the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay and others, the legislation requires the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to establish the Florida Veterans’ Care Coordination Program to provide and expand behavioral health care referral and care coordination services for Veterans and their families and to partner with Florida 2-1-1 Network participants to provide such services.
House Bill 7023 – Veterans Treatment Courts
The legislation creates uniform standards and procedures for Florida’s current and future Veterans Treatment Courts (VTC). It allows a court with criminal jurisdiction to create and administer a VTC, which may adjudicate felonies and misdemeanors, with the exception of the pretrial intervention of misdemeanor criminal traffic offenses.
Senate Bill 416 – POW-MIA Vietnam Veterans Bracelet Memorial
The bill establishes a POW-MIA Vietnam Veterans Bracelet Memorial across the street from the Old Capitol in Tallahassee, which will be installed next to Florida’s Vietnam War Memorial. The Vietnam Veterans of Big Bend Chapter 96 paid for the seven-foot high bracelet memorial.
Creation of “Purple Star Campus Program”
The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) will establish a “Purple Star Campus Program” to identify schools that support military connected children and demonstrate a commitment to provide critical transition supports to military families by:
- Designating a military liaison to directly support families;
- Updating the school website with resources for military students and families;
- Offering a student-led transition program to assist military students acclimate into school;
- Expanding staff professional development training opportunities on issues relating to military students; and
- Reserving controlled, open enrollment seats for military-connected students to utilize to ensure school choice opportunities are available to them, regardless of the time of year their military transfer takes place.
Supporting Veterans Through Employment and Training
House Bill 435, Veterans Employment and Training, designates Veterans Florida as the state’s principal DOD SkillBridge assistance organization to educate in-state and out-of-state transitioning servicemembers of available SkillBridge apprenticeships, internships, and fellowships across Florida during their last 180 days in uniform and to assist employers develop and implement new SkillBridge training. Servicemembers in SkillBridge gain valuable civilian work experience while maintaining their DOD salary and benefits.
Enhancing Veterans’ Preference in Employment
Senate Bill 922 authorizes state and political subdivisions to waive certain postsecondary educational requirements for employment for eligible servicemembers and veterans. It also enhances point preferences given to veterans and their family members when a numerically based selection process is used for hiring.
HB 167- Florida Veterans Protection Act
Authorizes a separate first-degree felony charge and increases penalties against someone who commits certain white-collar crimes against veterans
HB 171
Allows college-level training and education performed in the military to be accepted in place of credit or career education clock hours in State Higher Education Institutions
HB 197
Protects military families by prohibiting the Department of Children and Families from considering military service-related absences of a parent or caregiver when determining if a child is abandoned.
HB 205
Expands the definition of stolen valor in State Law to include those who falsely claim to have served in the military for the purpose of seeking public employment or running for office
HB 445
Makes it easier for transferred military families to enroll their child in a district public school or charter school and updates the high school grading system to factor in scores achieved by students on the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Test
HB 687
Would have expanded mental health and substance abuse programs in the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs
HJR 877 and HB 879
Places a measure on the ballot in November 2020 to authorize the surviving spouse of a veteran to continue receiving the discount on ad valorem tax on homestead properties for veterans who were honorably discharged and disabled due to combat.
HB 1085
Would have allowed all judicial circuits in the State to create a Veterans Treatment Court in order to create alternatives to traditional prosecutions for veterans
HB 1249
Gives flexible to veterans seeking certain property tax exemptions on homesteads
HB 217
Similar to HB 171 of 2020
HB 225
Requires public schools to allow students to wear dress uniforms of the Armed Forces or Nation Guard at graduation ceremonies
HB 427
Designates the Honor and Remember Flag as an emblem of the state to honor those service members who gave their lives in the line of duty and requiring the flag to be displayed on certain days and allowing local governments to display the flag
HB 501
Expands alternative treatment options such has hyperbaric oxygen therapy, acupuncture, and others for veterans diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic stress disorder
HB 891
Strengthens policies that prevent encroachment on military installations, creates the Blue Angels license plate, and makes it easier for families to transfer their child to a new school
HM 1281
Urges Congress to support creation of the United States Space Force and to establish Florida as the home of Space Force and US Space Command
HB 7125
This criminal justice reform package includes provisions that authorizes the Department of Corrections to contract with Veteran Advocacy Clinics to help veteran inmates apply for assistance benefits upon release from a penal institution in order to combat reentry
HB 29
Titled the “Don Hahnfeldt Veteran and Military Family Opportunity Act” in honor of Representative Hahnfeldt, a former US Navy Submarine Captain who sadly passed before session. This bill helps make it easier for service members, veterans, and their families to do business in Florida by expanding waivers for licensing Fees and expanding eligibility for receiving training grants and participating in entrepreneurship programs. This bill also gives priority attendance for Florida Virtual School to children of out-of-state service members whose legal residence is Florida and establishes March 25th as “Medal of Honor Day” in the State of Florida.
HB 75
Helps make college more affordable by authorizing Florida College System to waive any portion of specified fees that are not covered by the Department of Defense Military Tuition Assistance Program.
HB 333
Exempts veterans of Special Operation Forces from the basic recruit training in the process to become a law enforcement officer.
SB 100
Creates an exemption from local business taxes for veterans and their spouses, eliminates a fee to display the word “Veteran” on a Driver’s License or I.D. Card, and expands the forms of identity a veteran can present to the DHSMV
HB 7087
The Florida First Tax Package included a provision that removed the requirement that a surviving spouse of a disabled veteran be married for at least 5 years before being entitled to the $5,000 property tax exemption
HB 615
Expanded licensing fee waivers for military members, veterans, and their families and extended the time of good standing from 6 months to 2 years after discharge for boards and programs under the DBPR.
SB 7016
Ensures that all children in Florida have every opportunity to achieve academic success. The Bill extends the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, which was set to expire in 2016.
HB 799
Assists active duty members of the United States Armed Forces who reside or who are stationed outside Florida to receive a postsecondary education.
HB 1157
Expands the mechanism through which eligible members of the U.S. Armed Forces can earn college credit for military experience.
SB 626
Provides greater consumer protections for service members and their dependents in connection with a broad range of consumer credit transactions.
SB 184
Creates the Military and Overseas Voting Assistance Task Force within the Florida Department of State for the purpose of studying the feasibility of an online voting system that would allow members of the uniformed services who are overseas to electronically submit voted ballots.
Request Military Records
Most federal, state and local veterans’ benefits require proof of military service through an official discharge document, often called a DD-214 or one of its predecessors. You may request a free copy of your military service record through the National Archives at http://www.archives.gov/veterans/.
Most federal, state and local veterans’ benefits require proof of military service through an official discharge document, often called a DD-214 or one of its predecessors. You may request a free copy of your military service record through the National Archives at http://www.archives.gov/veterans/.
Veterans’ Preference
The Florida Legislature passed Veterans’ Preference laws to assist veterans, their spouses and family members in pursuing employment opportunities for recruitment, selection, promotion, reemployment and retention. This is one way the State of Florida can express gratitude for your service to our country.
Below are the rules promulgated by the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to implement these laws.
Final Adopted Version in Florida Administrative Code, effective 6/27/16 Department: Department of Veterans’ Affairs Division: Division of Veterans’ Benefits and Assistance
Rule No.: 55A-7.003
Rule Titles: Definitions
Rule No.: 55A-7.007
Rule Titles: General Eligibility for Appointment and Retention Preference
Rule No.: 55A-7.008
Rule Titles: Persons Eligible for Appointment and Retention Preference
Rule No.: 55A-7.009
Rule Titles: Announcements, Applications and Due Process
Rule No.: 55A-7.010
Rule Titles: Employment Preference When Using a Numerically Based Selection Process
Rule No.: 55A-7.011
Rule Titles: Employment Preference When Numerically Based Selection Process Is Not Used https://www.flrules.org/gateway/View_Notice.asp?id=17646451
Rule No.: 55A-7.0111
Rule Titles: Reinstatement or Reemployment; Promotion Preference
Rule No.: 55A-7.013
Rule Titles: Documentation of Preference Claim
Rule No.: 55A-7.015
Rule Titles: Preference in Retention
Rule No.: 55A-7.016
Rule Titles: Enforcement of Preference
The Florida Legislature passed Veterans’ Preference laws to assist veterans, their spouses and family members in pursuing employment opportunities for recruitment, selection, promotion, reemployment and retention. This is one way the State of Florida can express gratitude for your service to our country.
Below are the rules promulgated by the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs to implement these laws.
Final Adopted Version in Florida Administrative Code, effective 6/27/16 Department: Department of Veterans’ Affairs Division: Division of Veterans’ Benefits and Assistance
Rule No.: 55A-7.003
Rule Titles: Definitions
Rule No.: 55A-7.007
Rule Titles: General Eligibility for Appointment and Retention Preference
Rule No.: 55A-7.008
Rule Titles: Persons Eligible for Appointment and Retention Preference
Rule No.: 55A-7.009
Rule Titles: Announcements, Applications and Due Process
Rule No.: 55A-7.010
Rule Titles: Employment Preference When Using a Numerically Based Selection Process
Rule No.: 55A-7.011
Rule Titles: Employment Preference When Numerically Based Selection Process Is Not Used https://www.flrules.org/gateway/View_Notice.asp?id=17646451
Rule No.: 55A-7.0111
Rule Titles: Reinstatement or Reemployment; Promotion Preference
Rule No.: 55A-7.013
Rule Titles: Documentation of Preference Claim
Rule No.: 55A-7.015
Rule Titles: Preference in Retention
Rule No.: 55A-7.016
Rule Titles: Enforcement of Preference